Big ideas are born in peace and silence without too much haste.

I was born and went to school in Pärnu County. I lived in Tallinn for 15 years, but four years ago decided to move back to my childhood home. Initially, I worked as a kindergarten teacher close to home, but have now been teaching at Pärnu Adult Gymnasium for several years. I’ve always liked my job and feel also very lucky to have such great students!

A few years ago, it was suggested that I set up a NPO in order to apply for funding for various projects. In the cultural society that I established, I can now deal with matters that interest me as a historian. For example, for the 100th birthday of the Estonian Republic, we published a book about the history of our neighbourhood, the manuscript of which is as old as me. From time to time I also organize soap and candle making workshops for both adults and children. It’s nice to do something for your hometown.

It is good to live in Pärnu County: there is lots of clean air and plenty of space. After a long day at work, it is very relaxing to come home, listen to the river wind and take a walk in the open air. People are friendly, hardworking and appreciate the pleasant countryside. Although there are just a few people in our village, everyone is very enterprising. In a smaller community, it is easy to make a living because every person and their skills are valued. Big ideas are born in peace and silence without too much haste.

I think a person can be happy everywhere. The main thing is to have a job that you like and do something close to your heart and soul. For me, Pärnu County is such a place.

Veronika Uussaar


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