Eesti- Läti programm “Brave- Idea”
B-Idea (Brave Idea Support Programme) on Eesti-Läti projekt, kus toetatakse ettevõtteid, kellel on toode olemas, ekspordiga alustamisel koolituste, mentorite ja ettevõtete koostöö kaudu. Projekti üldeesmärk on hõlbustada Eesti-Läti talentide (uute VKE-de) ettevõtlusvaimu läbi jätkusuutliku-, tulemustepõhise ja piiriülese lähenemise.
Projekti konkreetsed eesmärgid on:
1. Aktiveerida ja motiveerida Eesti-Läti piirkonna ettevõtlusalaseid andeid (luues uusi tooteid sh riistvara).
2. Võimaldada ärimeeskondadel säästva arengu ja eksporditegevuste käivitamist, kasutades piiriülest lähenemisviisi meeskonna ja partnerluse loomiseks ning teadmiste, võrgu ja ressursside jagamiseks.
3. Suurendada VKE-de ellujäämist ja kiiret kasvupotentsiaali praktilise toetuse ja juhendamise abil.
Brave Idea Support Programme
The overall objective of the project:
The overall objective of the project is to facilitate entrepreneurial spirit of Estonia-Latvia talents (new SMEs) by sustainable, results based and cross-border approach.
The specific objectives of the project, are to:
- Activate and motivate the entrepreneurial talents (new SMEs business teams) of Estonia-Latvia region;
- Enable 24 SMEs business teams to start sustainable development and export activities using cross-border approach in team and partnership building, and knowledge, network and resource sharing.
- Increase survival rate and fast growth potential of SMEs by hands-on support and guidance during period of 1 year.
The main planned activities:
- Project management
- Joint cross-border marketing campaign for attracting business competition participants and project awareness
- Organisation of brave idea support programme, incl. selection of participants, organisation of joint cross-border bootcamps, individual mentoring, and joint trade missions.
Project partners:
Latvia: GatewayBaltic, Valmiera Development Agency, Ventspils High Technology Park Estonia: Development Centre of Pärnu County, Tartu Science Park
Role of Ventspils High Technology Park:
Project management (Lead partner), marketing, organization of follow-up event, active participation in all project activities.
Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A — Estonia–Latvia
Project number: Est-Lat 47
Project implementation period:
From September 1st 2017 – April 30th 2019
Total project budget:
Total project budget: 389 365,97 EUR
Financed by the ERDF: 330 961,05 EUR
Programme home page:
This website reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme is not liable for how this information may be used.